best time to get home insurance quote

best time to get home insurance quote

best time to get home insurance quote


BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare





Insurance. What do I need to sell Term Insurance in California?

Insurance. What do I need to sell Term Insurance in California?



Does blue cross blue shield cover accutane?

So tomorrow i am going to get accutane if my insurance covers it. I have Blue cross blue shield of ga and the blue choice option through the TJX companies (my mothers work). it says on my insurance card medical coPays, $20 office visit, and $100 ER. Does this Blue cross blue shield cover accutane?



Can a car have two insurance policies but two different drivers?

for instance i have a car and i am insured with my insurance company, can my friend/relative then go and take out another insurance policy from a different company so he can drive, with out having me on his policy. two separate insurance policies for two separate drivers but one car. Thank You for your help



I got pulled over, and failed to surrender insurance?

I was driving my friends home from a party one night, (being a DD), unfortunately I was caught going 123 in a 90 zone, and then I got pulled over. The police officer told me that not only I was speeding, but I was driving past midnight with a G2 class license. But the only thing I was charged with, was a 65$ fine for not surrending insurance, because I was driving my Dad's truck and could not find the insurance papers ANYWHERE. Since the police officer said there were no demerits to be added, does this mean my insurance rates will go up? I plan on pleading guilty and paying the ticket.



How much is renter's insurance normally?

I already have insurance thriugh state farm and they do have renter's insurance but I'm asking people who actually do have it, how much should it be normally?



How much would it cost to insure a Smart Roadster for a 17 year old first time driver?

I have been looking into insurance for a Smart Roadster and the sites I have used, either gave me a quote for 15k+ a year or couldn't even find the model. Is insurance for this little car really so expensive. I'll be 17 soon, still in full time education, have a part time job, the car would be on a private driveway overnight, at a secure public car park during the day while I'm at work at an industrial unit, standard model no modifications, no criminal convictions or medical conditions. I live in Colchester, Essex.



Cheapest car insurance? Does anyone know?

Paying no mind to the jibber jabber they say on TV what car insurance do you know is cheap?



What is the average cost of mobile home insurance in California?

What is the average cost of mobile home insurance in California?



What is the cheapest car insurance company?

I am test driving a few used cars tomorrow afternoon and i am a first time buyer. What is the cheapest car insurance company in Louisiana area? keep in mind that the cars i am looking for are: pontiac g5 and g6 (used) chrysler crossfire (used) and the chrysler seebring. (used)



Is it true the you can get car insurance thru Medicaid or Medicare?

I heard this is true but I don't know because my parents are disabled they are 51 and 56 they own a car but no insurance they need it to get to there doctor's appointment's and hospital visits. So is this true if anybody knows please help by giving info on this by giving a link or number. Or you can help by referring to a place that will help them out because they only live on the disability checks and food stamps. Thanks for helping



Is there some program California State offers for people who can't afford health insurance?

I lost my job a couple months back. I am receiving unemployment, and that is just enough to pay all my bills with about $20 left over. Is there any program the State of California offers for people who are in my situation?



What are your opinions about the different car insurance companies? Which one is the best?

I currantly have Geico for our auto insurance. They are cheap but i am seeing why. thier customer service SUCKS. i would really like some opinions on different car insurace companies. Thanks!!



Had a minor accident (my fault)... how much should I expect my insurance go up as a new driver?

I bought a brand new car and had an accident 3 hours after... I was parked and trying to leave, and while backing up I turn too early and my front bumper hit the rear side end of the other vehicle (damage of the other vehicle was 12x5 scrape and no dent)... I was asked for 1k for repairs so I decided to have our insurance work with it. I have insurance under Geico so I was wondering how much will my insurance go up as a new driver?



How much will my car insurance be?

I just got my 7th DUI conviction and I want to buy a Chevrolet Corvette, but dont know how much insurance will cost my parents? I don't want them to have to pay too much but i really want the car. please help



What type of car insurance is the best for first time drivers?

About to buy a car for the first time just wanna kno wat car insurance would be the best for a 16 year old



How much would insurance for a 17yr old cost?

the car is a cts-v coupe. I need to know if i can afford the insurance b4 buying for my son. -thanks



Where to Find Affordable Health and Life Insurance?

Hello, I'm looking for site that offer affordable health and life insurance.Please recommend me such a site.



Life Insurance -- Is a 78 year old woman too old to get life insurance? If not, who are the better providers?

I've made preliminary inquiries to get life insurance for a 78 year-old female, however, I get the standard response of no because of her age and the fact that she has been hospitalized in the last year and has pre-existing conditions (COPD, high blood pressure, arhythmia). My sense, however, is that there may be life insurance companies out there with more accomodating terms for senior citizens. If you know of any such companies, or are experienced enough in life insurance to give a definitive no- it's not possible response, please let me know. What are our alternatives, if any?



Where to get updated car insurance papers?

ok so i had no idea about the expiration date on the insurance papers. how do i get updated papers that i can put in the car.



What kind of car insurance do I need if I want to be the main driver of my parent's car away from home?

My parents own a car that they're letting me use for school. I live in southern California, but I attend school in Northern California. I'll be bringing the car up for normal use during the school year, and it will be garaged there except during summer. Do I need to buy my own car insurance, or will it work out if I just get added to my parent's insurance?



Mother has Mental Illness but no Insurance?

We are at the moment living in california but my mother has mental illness when we were back in The Netherlands she was given pills to take to supress that voice in her heads making her go crazy, but now we are here and we don't have any insurance yet is it possible that she gets insurance if she supports her illness?



Car insurance definitions?

in car insurance, what are the definitions of: Policy Premium Deductible



How much does full time RV insurance cost per year?

I know it's different for everyone but how much does it cost for you? And what size / class RV do you have? I'm just trying to get a rough estimate. Thanks



Where can I get the best car insurance rates?

I have been on the same plan for 10 years now and they charge $165 each month which is ridiculous. Any idea what is the best company to get a better insurance rate?



Baby insurance?

Okay so my fiance and I aren't married yet. I am on my moms insurance until I am 19 and they wont cover the baby. He has his own insurance through WI called Hirsps. I can't change my license yet because my moms insurance will drop me and we dont want that to happen because it will be hard to get insurance to cover hospital bills. How do we get the baby insurance? Can we put the baby on his insurance?


best time to get home insurance quote

best time to get home insurance quote


Does anyone have either Geico or Progressive car insurance.? Or any of the smaller national companies?

I need to change from State Farm. They are charging me an arm and a leg after 10+ yrs as a customer, and a good driving record. But the past year I have been 'dinged' several times. Which has cost me a very considerable raise- 75%- in premiums. I am getting good rates from Geico and Progressive. But I do not know of anyone in my family or circle of friends who have either of the 'new guys'. I would like some feedback. Thanks



B Average for Car insurance?

I'm a 16 year old male who just got my license. I'm looking for car insurance, and was read about student discounts that said you need a B average. I have As and Bs, but I have a C in German, will this make me unable to get the discount?



I drive a 1984 chevy 2500 and i want to know how much for basic insurance would cost?

1984 chevy 2500 clean title 120,000 miles



How much is Liability insurance on a 16 year old's car?

How much would it be if i wanted to get Liability insurance on a car?



What type of term life insurance to get?

I am a 23 year old male that has type II diabetes. I have around $40,000 worth of debt from student loans, and I'm going to be getting married in a year. My parents currently more



I am a single mom looking for affordable health insurance for myself. Where might I look for this?

I am a single mom looking for affordable health insurance for myself. Where might I look for this?



Medical insurance, c.a.?

i live in california,,, i am a guy, have a good job,, but i cant get medical insurance due to i have a pre existing condition,,, reiters syndrome, my job doesnt have medical though,, and i barelymake to much for the state medical program,, medi-cal,, any advice



I need a cheapest car insurance in ontario.?

simple as i said, i need the cheapest car insurance, i don't care the coverage, it can be even without any coverage. i can even pay for all damage. i live around Kitchener-waterloo city. if anyone know or you work in a insurance company that can provide just a paper that i can use to extend my car license plate number, let me know. i was so upset that i need to pay so much money for car insurance that in case anything happen, i also hesitate to call the company because my car insurance might be going up to the roof.



Car insurance- if your vehicle is stolen do your rates skyrocket?

my car was jacked at a gas station, are my rates gonna go way up?



What happens when a person dies with no life insurance?

80 year old male with no life insurance



How much would insurance be for a 16 year old in GA?

I'm 16, I own a 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier LS Sport- 2 door, live in Athens, GA, drive less than 7,000 miles annually, drive to and from work and school 5 days a week... haha. I just want to know how much it would be monthly for car insurance on any of the companies. Any help would be appreciated. :)



Insurance on a 2005 ford focus?

What would the average insurance for progressive be on a auto 2005 red focus with 70k miles. For a 17 year old and a 45 year old. Can I legally put my car in my parents name to lower insurance cost?



Whats the cheapest auto insurance companies for 18 year olds?

I'm driving a 2010 Scion TC without any wrecks or anything.



Does passing on shoulder make insurance go up?

If you get a ticket that accuses you of passing on the shoulder, would that add points to your record and make insurance go up like a speeding ticket?



Could switching to Geico really save you 15% or more on car insurance?

Could switching to Geico really save you 15% or more on car insurance?



Should I yell at the insurance company?

I'm very frustrated at this point. Two years ago I got braces, at the time I was still living on the east coast. I then moved to California halfway during treatment and learned that my insurance was not going to cover treatment after my transfer (even under their providers). I still needed the braces at the time so I found a seperate orthodonist and paid for all treatments as though I had no insurance. Its been almost a year now and I need the braces removed. However, I cannot afford to remove them and my insurance still won't cover for any ortho procedures. Should I be a pacifist about all of this? I've spent quite a lot of money on treatment w/o the help of insurance. Now I'm in a rut, stuck with braces even though I don't need them anymore and I feel as though no one will help me.



If I just got auto insurance?

If I just got auto insurance for my car but my car was crash before hand, should I still let the auto insurance company know even if I wasn't the driver?



How can I get insurance? Full time student and bulimic?

Hi, I am 19 years old and a full time college student. My mom works two 25-30 hour jobs but does not get insurancew through either jobs. I am bulimic and can't get any private insurance because of my bulimia and also cannot afford it. I paid out of pocket to have a physical and my doctor said I need to be hospitalized, as I am in critical condition. Problem is, I have no idea how to get insurance. Is it possible for me to get insurance? Should I speak with the Department of Health and Social Services or my college counselor? I am not lazy and not looking for free help and am willing to put all the money I make towards insurance...I just really want to get help before I die. Any supportive help is much appreciated, thank you



What auto insurance does aarp offer?

the name of the insurance (auto) offered to aarp subscribers



Motorcycle or Scooter Insurance in London?

How much would the insurance be for a motorcycle or scooter worth less than 4,000GBP in London? I'm hoping that it would be a lot less than a 50cc scooter in Dublin worth about 400GBP costing 200GBP for insurance per year.



Cheap health insurance? Im a middle 30's single male. Is there a place I can compare quickly like car insuran?

I filled out one thing but it turned out to be almost a phishing scam. Im about to do COBRA, but I think I can get something cheaper. Im also in SC if that matters. Any guesses?



Average cost of 2008 Honda Accord Ex-l V6 Sedan?

Hello I am wondering what is the average price of a used 2008 Honda Accord Ex-l V6 sedan. I also want to know if this car is reliable, gets good mileage, and is this type of car considered a sport vehicle when it comes to insurance. Serious answers only.



Where can I get a cheap insurance for a new bussines?

Im about starting cleaning houses but i need an insurance



Where can I get the best Auto Insurance Quotes?

My semi-annual auto insurance renewal is coming up. I've shopped before and I think I'm already getting a damn good rate, but still I'd like to try to get an even better rate. I've tried both Geico and Progressive, and both quoted me over $200 higher per year than I already pay. Any other good suggestions? This would be for coverage in California.



Auto Insurance Quotes?

Where is the best place to buy auto insurance online?


best time to get home insurance quote

best time to get home insurance quote


Driving with no car insurance?

i missed a car insurance payment last month but wasnt aware as i dont really check my bank as i assumed the money was in.. i got pulled up by the police the other night saying i didnt have insurance to which i replied yes i do the company is called ... they tried to ring them but as it was 2am they were closed... they let me go and have given me 7 days to report to the police station with my insurance documents. i rang up my insurance company asking for a certificate of my insurance as i lost mine to find out my policy had been cancelled (which i wasnt aware of).. so naturally now i am scared of what will happen. if i insure my car again and take down my new certificate to proove i have insurance and explain what has happened, how bad with the outcome be? HELP



Did you get Affordable Health Care?

My husband & I have insurance & it didn't change but my daughter & family got Affordable HC. Their previous insurance was $1,200 a month. They are now paying $325 so there's was a very positive experience. We're in California. They had a really hard time getting into the wed site but persevered & are happy with the plan. It covers their eldest son who is in college & has Type I diabetes & their youngest son who suffers from asthma. Does anyone else on YA have a positive experience to share? What State are you from.



How much would my insurance cost with 5 point on ds?

How much would my insurance cost with 5 point on ds?



Can a person with fully comp insurance drive an uninsured car?

Can a person with fully comp insurance drive an uninsured car? I have cancelled my insurance on my car as MOT is over. It's in a garage so don't matter. But if My father takes it to the MOT place can he drive it with his fully comp insurance he has on his car?



What is the cheapest car to insure for a 17 year old newly passed driver ? ?

What is the cheapest car to insure for a 17 year old newly passed driver ? ?



How much would i get from the insurance?

I was involved in a car accident in Sept 2009. I sustained low and upper back injurie, left side shoulder and neck and severe headaches. I have been dong treatments such as chiropractic, acupuncture, massage and phisio therapy. As of right now i am only doing physio therapy and massagge, however the injuries have not healed yet. If for any reason i dont get better for another year or 2, how much would i be getting from the insurance as a settlement? The medical bills as of Sept 2010 were around 13 thousand. I was employed at the time of the accident and have not returned to work since the accident. My car was totaled and the other driver was fully at fault. I am just wondering how much would i be getting roughly if my case lasts for 2-3 yeas in total.



Im paying $1,000 every 6months for my car insurance, and im 19 years old.?

Does anybody know of any cheap insurance companies that I can get a quote from? I really REALLY need to find a different company, because I cant afford that much. Please help! (I live in California if that helps)



Dental insurance..?

Hi, i am a student so i do not have much money. I am living in Melbourne, Australia. I would like to know if there is an affordable health insurance that cover dental needs. I need to remove my 4 wisdow teeth and also i would like to put some braces...but i can not aford it. Would an insurance be worth in this case?



New Brunswick Motorcycle Insurance is based on...?

I will be moving to NB this summer (from BC), and was wondering how the insurance rates out there are determined. Here in BC there are a number of insurance brackets (based on displacement) which determine the base rate. All bikes in any one bracket pay the same, so a 600cc sportbike is cheaper than a 883 Sportster (these are only for liability, theft and collision are based more on $$ value). In general, is it the same in NB? Would I save money by going to a smaller bike (I currently ride a 1127cc Suzuki GSX1100G), assuming the actual $$ value of the bike was about the same? Does the type of bike matter? I'd ask an insurance agent, but they are usually pretty reticent to explain how their rates are determined. Hope you can help.



Cars with cheap insurance?

I am 17 and hold a full UK provisional license. I am having driving lessons. I'm just wondering of any cars with cheap insurance for when I pass my test as I'll be getting a car for my birthday in October. I am a girl so no boy racing cars



What's the best car insurance?

Got a good quote from 21st century insurance. I'm thinking of switching from my Geico. I'd save a little bit but if anyone thinks Geico is a much better company then I'd probably stay. Any advice out there? Should I keep looking? I live in Florida. Thanks!



Average cost for home owner insurance ?

Average cost for home owner insurance ?



Average insurance rate for a taxi?

in bakersfield ca



How do you pay an insurance deductible?

Well i sadly wrecked my car today i have full coverage because i have a loan from a bank and im still making payments on it. I let the insurance company know. But my deductible is $1,000.00 and i dont have a thousand dollars. Can you like make cheap payments on that or do you need it all upfront? Or do i not have to pay it right away?



Cheapest Car Insurance Company In NY?

Hey i am really need to help with car insurance. Is my first time buying a car and i am really looking for a good deal for a car insurance company here in NY. Either the cheapest or the one that you personally recommend for my age (21 years old) I really appreciate your time. I have been searching for a lot of them before i make a call.



What do you buy first- the car or the insurance? In Oregon.?

Last year, I sold my car. Since I did not have a car, I stopped my insurance. Now, I am ready to buy a car again, via a dealership. Do I have to already have the insurance, or do I wait until I purchase the car to buy the insurance?



How much is car insurance?

we are moving to newmarket, ontario. we are wanting to get rough ideas about the cost of car insurance. i hear it is quite expensive but was wondering if someone could illustrate in some way or give an example of how it is worked out. also could someone reccommend a trustful dealer?



How much will my car insurance cost?

I am seventeen years old, I live in New Jersey and my car is a two door 1997 Honda Civic EX. I am turning eighteen in two months. Which car insurance providers will be the most likely to give me good deals, and roughly how much would I be paying?



Is there a point in learner driver insurance?

It costs circa 100 a month, but Go Compare and such are saying I could get fully insured on my girlfriend's car (which I want to learn in) for around 700 a year. Shouldn't I just go for that?



Good Cheap car insurance?

Im 16, Im getting my truck and my license in september, and I was wondering what car insurance companies I should look in to? I could be added onto my parents plan but it would be pretty expensive, I was wondering if there's a cheaper option? what insurance do you have and why? thanks!



Car acccident insurance issue?

I had a faulty accident. I gave my license plate number and registration number to the other party but I forgot to give them my insurance information ? what will happen now?



What make and model is the cheapest car to get insurance on?

what make and model is the cheapest car to get insurance on? for a 22year old female



Can you change health insurance before surgery?

I have an Anthem individual health plan. It's kind of expensive but I haven't been working and really wanted to have health insurance. I just started a full-time job that offers health insurance benefits. They offer Anthem insurance similar to what I already have just at a much cheaper cost to me but I'll probably have to get a new policy number. I'm having breast reduction the 2nd week of August and I've already received approval from my insurance company for them to pay. However I want to get insurance with my job but I only have 30 days from the start of employment to enroll in their plan. I'll be calling Anthem next week to see how this will affect my surgery but what do you all think? Is it possible to change policies before a surgery that's already been approved? I don't want to miss the open enrollment with my company but I also don't want to risk having to cancel my surgery. Thanks!



Can I insure a car that is already insured?

I am a new driver and want to insure a car, the problem is that car is already insured by my mom with AAA. I currently don't have the money to use AAA as insurance so I was planning to get some cheap insurance right now. Is that possible? Or what would you recommend?



What does term life insurance cover?

does term life insruance cover any death. Like lets say there is an earthquake and the insured dies.. would the term insurance cover it? or does the insured have to die of old age?


best time to get home insurance quote

best time to get home insurance quote


Help with car insurance?

I am 15 with 1 month before my birthday, and of coarse my license. I have made some sort of a deal with my parents. This deal allows me for every month I postpone my license i get a percentage of the insurance they would have payed. How much is insurance, how much of it should i get, and is it worth it?



I need to find a good Car no older then lets say 1999! Thats good on Gas and low Insurance! Low Price $5000 <!

Hi my name is James. I am a college student and I am looking for a used car to get me through college and maybe Further! I am hoping to spend under $5000 Dollars. I need it to be able to have a lower insurance rate then lets say a sports car. I also need something thats has a very good fuel efficacy! I am a tall guy but can fit into any thing! So if any of you know of a car that looks almost good has good gas millage and is not too expensive on car insurance let me know! ASAP!!!!!! Oh and this car not one I want to buy online or privately. It is one I want to buy from a car dealer ship this is just to help me lock down my search!



How would I find out if I got left money from an insurance plan?

How would I find out if I got left money from an insurance plan?



Best place to get business Insurance?

Were is the best place to get a $1 Million general liability insurance policy and a $1 million Error & Omissions policy for my company?



How is the government going to make insurance premiums more affordable?

I keep hearing how Americans need more affordable health insurance, but I have yet to hear how they are planning to do this or what results we can expect. Does anyone know how they are going to achieve this for us? How much can we expect our premiums to go down as a result of the reform? Do you think it will be more than what we will pay in increased taxes?



Car accident insurance question?

Last week someone backed up into my bumper while my car was parked. They were very nice and left a note, and we were in the middle of sorting things out. I got an estimate for the damage, but we had not yet done anything with their insurance company yet. Today my boyfriend was driving my car, and he spun out and totaled the car. His insurance should be able to cover it, but how should I go about for the insurance with the first person? Do I need to tell them about the accident or is it not necessary? We haven't yet filed the insurance and so I don't know if it will be a problem. Any help is appreciated.. thanks



What car insurance company has a commercial with a man riding a bike?

It's a car insurance commercial with a guy riding a little bike on the highway in his suit. it says car insurance slowing you down? or something. i want to find the commercial online or at least what insurance company it is. Help!



Im 21years old,male with a mazda miata 2001. My auto insurance to too high. where can I get cheaper insurance?

Im 21years old,male with a mazda miata 2001. My auto insurance to too high. where can I get cheaper insurance?



Two Questions for Automobile Insurance?

Can u guys help me to answer these questions? These questions are about Automobile Insurance 1) How can coverage needs change as you go throughout life? 2) Utilize Insurance Terminology. TY!!!



Cheap insurance for young proffessonal driver?

i am 23 work for a car and van rental company so drive a average of 15 cars or vans a day from small hatchbacks to 90k range rovers sports BMW's mercs etc but yet i still cant get insurance for under 1200 for a old 1997 1.0 l fiat punto is there any Specialist insurance company's for people that drive professionally for a living?



Car insurance for 18 y.o. good driver Honda Civic or Honda Fit?

Car insurance for 18 y.o. good driver Honda Civic or Honda Fit? Which car will be cheaper to insure for an 18 year old male? 2009 Civic LX Sedan 2009 Fit Base Hatchback He is a very good driver and has no infractions, we live in a low crime area. Thank you! Would just like to know which would be cheaper to insure.



How much would cheap car insurance be in california?

im 18 and its my first car whats a good estimate for cheap insurance



Does the colour of your car affect how much your insurance will cost?

cos someone said that apparently darker coloured cars like black or darker shade blue green etc are more expensive on insurance than lighter ones like white, yellow etc Is this true or am i just being told myths?



How does and underage affect insurance?

A friend of mine was just charged with an underage but was accepted into the ARD program. We are wondering how this is going to affect her auto insurance policy.



Do U think it's fair women's insurance is cheaper because they have an 'innie' and men have an 'outie'?

I see just as many women being careless drivers as men. Why should their sex organs have anything to do with car insurance?



I have copd and no insurance.?

I cough almost constantly and always coughing up mucus. Some times its yellow or green, but mostly bubbly clear and has (looks like very small pieces of lung in it.) I'm scared that I am slowly dying. I'm tired all the time. Most of the time all I want to do is lay. My appitite is very poor, I seldom get hungry. I have lost weight and now only weigh 90 pounds. A little over a year ago I weighed 135. Insurance company's turn me down because of preexisting, copd, RH, Hodgekins, I don't know what to do. I can't afford $800 month insurance. I get friends to get prescriptions for albuterol and combivent. I started taking pills (hydrocodone) as they help me so I can breathe normal so I can work. I can get insurance through my new job in 90 days.



Can I change my car insurance before the year is up?

I have found a cheaper quote but my insurance doesn't run out until next year



I have allstate insurance right now and im paying way too much anybody know a good cheap insurance company?

I have allstate insurance right now and im paying way too much anybody know a good cheap insurance company



How long do I have to wait till I get cheaper car insurance?

I have saved enough money to buy a used decent car cash. However, because my licence is super new the liability insurence came up to $270.00 and I cannot afford it. They said is because of I'm considered I new driver. So, how long do I have to wait before I get cheaper insurance?



What agency will investigate fraud, abuse or illegal activity in government medical insurance programs?

And how will the Judicial system be made affordable for persons who are living in poverty?



Any statefarm agents that can help with a car insurance question?

I had my auto insurance with state farm for several years. I used to live in Miami, Fl for pretty much the whole time until this past January that i moved to Orlando. Until now (October 2012) i hadn't changed my address because i was planning on going back but now that i decided to stay in Orlando i ended up changing to another insurance company because my policy was going to be A LOT cheaper. My question is, should i be able to get retroactive pay for the difference in my premium from the more expensive premium that i was paying in Miami and the much lower one from Orlando? I sent my state farm agent my lease contract since the beginning of the year and she said that they weren't going to allow it. Does that sound right? I know it was my responsibility to have my addresses changed but since i didn't and i was paying my premium for one city while living at another. Thanks!



My car insurance company wants to use recycled parts for a repair to my car. Is this legal?

My car insurance company wants to use recycled parts for a repair to my car. Is this legal?



I hit somebody car how is insurance going to handle this?

I ran the red light and hit this girl in boy and there cousin an baby with my jeep the girl hurt her arm and the boy hurt his leg I mess up her car. so how is my insurance going to deal with this. I do not have full coverage but liability what going to happen to them and me



Lower car insurance?

I was wondering where i could find a class to take driving lessons to lower my car insurance and if that is even possible??



What's the best dental insurance for me to get?

I have pre-existing damage (deep cavities, exposed enamel). I live in garland, Tx 75040. Pretty much im looking for dental insurance that covers pre-existing damage


best time to get home insurance quote

best time to get home insurance quote