Estero Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33928

Estero Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33928

Estero Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33928


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Insurance for Pregnant Women??

I just started taking Clomid, and I know I will probably, hopefully get pregnant soon, and I want to make sure that I have insurance. Anyone know of a great insurance, that is not too costly? For pregnant women?



Why are health insurance premiums skyrocketing?

I thought Obamacare was supposed to make health insurance more affordable.



What is the average insurance cost for a 04 lexus rx 330?

What is the average insurance cost for a 04 lexus rx 330?



Car insurance ?????????

Which is cheaper to go in a car insurance office or over the phone or the net.



AAA car insurance question?

I've been with State Farm since the 1970's, but am a member of AAA. I was going to take my State Farm papers down to the AAA office and see if they could give me a better rate. My question is, does anyone have any experience with AAA car insurance? Good or bad, I'd like to hear about it.



If I provisionally insure myself then will my insurance be cheaper when I pass?

I'm 17 and I was wondering if I bought provisional insurance on my car then would it be cheaper to insure after I pass than it would if i didn't have it?



Any cheap car insurance company's for first time drivers?

can you help trying to find some cheaper car insurance companys for first time drivers.



Best Child insurance plan?

Which insurance plan should will be best for child , including study and marraige?



Getting a Permit in TX increases insurance rate?

hi. is anyone here from texas? i just want to know if insurance companies in TX really do increase your insurance rate once they are notified that your son or daughter has a permit to drive. AS if living here isnt already hard enough, lets top it off with this surprise.



Do you need insurance to drive a motorcycle?

and at what cc is considered a motorcycle? do u need any kind of insurance? i know u need a license i live in gainesville fl where do i get class for one?



What is a 1989-94 Nissan 240sx considered as?

Sports car, classic, what? I mean what would the car insurance consider it as? Serious question, mature answers please. Thanks!



Breakdown Insurance less than 12 months?

Hi, does anyone know if it's possible to get car breakdown cover for less than 12 months? All i ever see on advertisements and online is quotes for 12 months cover but i am planning on leaving the UK for a bit after 6 months so that's all i require. Before i contact insurance companies can someone tell me if this is normal or an irregular request? Cheers!



Cheapest insurance for high school football?

Im planning to play football next year in high school what is the cheapest insurance i can get?



Will a hyundai tiburon considered a sports car to insurance companies?

i want one for a first car. but mom is worried it will jack the insurance since im a guy



Can you help me figure out how much home insurance I need?

I was wondering if you guys could give me some advice about house insurance. We've been paying insurance as if our house is worth 224,000 still however it is worth about 175,000 more



Cheapest car insurance for 17yr olds in ireland?

Cheapest car insurance for 17yr olds in ireland?



If you have Amica car insurance, how much does 1 speeding ticket cost you?

I live in Massachusetts. Have a perfect driving record but now I'm charged with 1 speeding ticket. How much more in insurance premiums will it cost me if I plead guilty? It's a regular speeding ticket, not DUI or wreckless driving. THanks



Flyers insurance suggested?

This I my first time buying my own ticket and flying alone. Is it typical to get the insurance they offer for like $20 when you buy your ticket online? Would you recommend it? I think most cover your ticket and luggage?



Cheaper car insurance ?

Which insurance companies out of the major ones have you found that are the cheapest for a 19 year old on their own policy?



Best Job description for a full time eBay seller? (For car insurance quote)?

I'm about to renew my car insurance but need to find the most appropriate and accurate job description for my trade. I am self employed as a soul trader (UK) and my main income is achieved through making small hand crafted items (mostly material based) and sell them on eBay. So far I've been using the job description of 'artist' In the 'manufacturing' industry, but I was wondering if there was a more accurate one on the standardised job description list?



What is the diffrence between an 2007 Mustang and a 2007 Mustang Premium?

Another question is how much will insurance cost for a 16 year old with a license and driving certificate



Cheap moped insurance company?

Cheap moped insurance company?



Will my insurance rate in NY go up, if I get a ticket in NJ? Will pts occur on my ny license?

I got a tixs for speeding and reckless driving (at the same time). And if my rates go up, is there a way I can get the chrages reduced to careless driving? How would I go about doing that sort of thing? Any info on this will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!



Help me with car insurance quotes?

Ive been doing quite alot of online quotes with comparison websites lately and I have noticed some of the insurers with the cheapest prices have disappeared... is this because I have done this loads of times? Or am I blacklisted. Im just worried as my insurance this year was 2300 and I will not be able to afford that again! It is only this high due the age of being 19. And also I have tried to go onto elepahant, admiral and even diamond to do quotes on there websites but i got a message appear saying I had to ring them as they were unable to do a quote for me online



Where can I find affordable health insurance for me and my family?

How can I find affordable heatlh insurance for me and my family? We are currently unemployed with no health insurance.


Estero Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33928

Estero Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33928



18 year old, male, 2010 camaro ss with 4000 miles on it. had a few speeding tickets, no wrecks LOOKING FOR INSURANCE QUOTES PLEASE



Affordable Health Insurance ??

I live in washington state, and I am currently employed and I pay $80 a month through my employer for my medical. I now wanted to add my wife because she dosen't have a coverage at her work. I contacted the HR at my work and I was told my monthly premium will go up from $80 a month to $460 a month if I add her. and its way too much money and I am looking for other ways to have her cover please share Ideas that u may have if u happen to know any affordable insurance company



Primary Mortgage Insurance, California?

I live in southern California. I recently called my bank about refinancing my mortgage. I was advised if I refinance, the PMI insurance I pay will go from $168 to about $340 or something. In other words, by lowering my rate, my PMI goes up. Is this true? I would assume the PMI would lower or stay the same since its now easier to make payments. Please advise...



Can a car insurance broker be wrong?

This insurance broker gave me a quote that is a lot lower than what i pay for my car insurance right now. He double checked my information and my driver's licence and gave me a low quote, while all the other brokers told me higher amounts. Could he be wrong? What if I say I want to switch to that insurance, and it turns out he cannot get that locked quote for me? what happens then?



What kind of life insurance is best?

My wife and I are both working and we have a baby now, I'm thinking of getting life insurance, but have no clue where to start. There seems to be a bunch of options...and advice/suggestions on how to get started? Thanks.



How much do you usually pay when you first get car insurance?

just got an auto insurance plan that's 100/month. went in to fill out papers &payed a $120 down payment. but my mom is now telling me i should be getting a bill for $480 in the mail soon. because the premium is $600 and i have to pay the rest? but i thought that's what the down payment was for. or was that just a down payment for a down payment? lol. i'm not really sure how it works, but i'm wondering if my mom is just saying that so i don't spend all my money, or if i'm actually going to get a bill for that much. anyone know? i'm still paying $100/month, so is it normal to have to pay around $600 first?



When to buy motorcycle insurance?

I'm planning to buy a used motorcycle from a private party within the coming month or so. My question is, do i buy the motorcycle first, take it home, then get it insured? Or do i legally have to buy insurance first before i can purchase it from the private party?



Does the car appearance affect insurance?

Does the car appearance (good or bad) affect how much we pay for car insurance. I know insurance companies always ask What condition is your car?..any dents, etc does saying its in good condition make the rates go up or down?



Am I still eligible for car insurance?

My car insurance dropped me today because I had four traffic tickets over two years ago. It was when I was just starting out driving and since then I have learned to be a responsible driver. Since the premiums were up for renewal next month, they pulled my file (audit) and found the tickets, and dropped me. I was told Progressive and Safe Auto would be good ones to check out. My first two tickets will be at the 3 year mark in a few months, the next about a month after.



Motorbike insurance for a 17 year old?

hey so i was wandering i havent got a full liscence uet but am planning on doing it soon and was just wandering how much insurance would be for a Kawasaki ninja 250R i no there are other factors but just on average for someone of my age or if my dad who has a full bike liscence for a long time was to insure it and have me as named rider?



Im 24 years old. How much will car insurance cost. Im female.?

I asked this question before. Everyone assumed I was under 18. Im actually a 24 year old female in Ontario. So I needed to provide this information originally when I had asked....sorry about that. So can anyone take a guess now?



Im a new G2 driver, and im thinking on getting second driver insurance on my moms car.?

how much do u think it will add onto the insurance already?, its a 2003 ford focus



A few questions about health insurance (recent college grad still on parent's insurance)?

I asked a similar question yesterday but realized I was a bit vague. So, here's my situation. I am a recent college grad working a job that does not offer me health insurance, and I receive excellent coverage under my parent's plan. I recently went to a job interview for a position that offers insurance, but I would have to pay a pretty large chunk of change for it monthly ($500+, which is a lot if you're working an entry-level position), and the coverage isn't nearly as good as my current plan. (For example, I currently pay $3 for a three month supply of my prescription. The new plan would charge me $30-90 for the same amount pills). I saw a clause in the Affordable Health Care Act that said I would only be able to do this after January 1st, 2014....I really wish this went into effect in 2013 instead! So, my questions are: Can I opt out of this insurance and remain on their plan? If I were to take this job and the insurance plan, would I be able to re-enroll under their plan if I stopped working at this place and worked at a place that didn't offer insurance? (I'm under 26, and my family's plan covers both my parents and another sibling)



Car insurance????

is it higher insurance in illinois to have a 2 door car???



Cheapest car insurance?

infinity is cheaper than esurance.



Can a car insurance company find out when you were first issued your license?

I know its wrong to lie, BUT ,my insurance would be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much lower if I had been driving for longer. I didn't get my license until I was 22 and I'm 23 now, but they give me the rates of a teenager. I pay way too much!



What is the ideal assurance do you expect from your car insurance?

What do you want to hear most from your car insurance company?



What car should I get for cheap insurance?

Im 18, i just got my license a week ago. I live in a small Louisiana town. I catch buses and taxis to and from college and work. I really need a car. I have 2000 down for one but insurance is like 600 dollars on my own policy. I can't get on any ones policy because I live on my own. I'm beginning to get discouraged because the longer I take to get a car the less money I'll have for a car paying 10 to 20 dollars on taxis a day takes all my money. What can I do? What cars will have the cheapest insurance for a new driver?



My car insurance is higher than everyone elses because im a Young Man?

Hi, Im 24 and recently started seaching for my own car insurance poilicy. I thought I would pay about the same rate as my mom, but I keep getting quotes that are like twice what she pays! I asked one agent why and he said :young men are more aggressive and likely to take more risk while driving I have never even had a parking ticket! Just because im young doesnt mean I will drive wild or speed. Is this discrimination? WOMEN AE WAY WORSE DRIVERS THAN MEN!



State Farm Renter's Insurance?

I live with my brother and his wife. There names are on the lease and my name is not on the lease. Can I still get Renter's Insurance?



Why bother with insurance?

it seems like a big waste to me. The whole point of it is to save money. But it does the exact opposite. the insurance people always screw you over and find some way to get out of paying for whatever it is!



If i got a car as a gift and dont have insurance and a car hits me is that ok?

my friend gave me a car and i dont have insurance, but a guy hit me this morning, will his insurance pay for it?



Low Cost Individual Health Insurance - Is It for Real?

I'm thinking about starting a business but I'm worried about health coverage for myself and my family. At work, our health plan is so expensive (if I had to pay for the whole thing), so I'm cautious about the cheap insurance I see advertised all over the place. Is low cost individual health insurance for real or a scam? What do I have to watch out for in looking for coverage? Thanks.



How come two of the same cars are given more expensve insurance values?

two ford capri's with the same engine size and model (both ford capri 1.6's laser) have been given a different valuation on insurance. they both cost the same to buy (1500) and both are unmodified the only separation is the years they were made. the cheaper one to insure was made in 1984, the more expensive was in 1987, anyone any ideas? here's the quotes i got 3847.93 for the cheaper one and 4264.90 for the more expensive and newer model. any ideas?



What health insurance is best and affordable for my wife?

We had a baby 3 months ago, but I am looking for health insurance that is good and affordable for my wife. Any suggestions?


Estero Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33928

Estero Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33928


Which car insurance is good and cheap for a teen?

Well not so much a teen anymore im turning 20 in a few months.. but my car insurance is REALLY it because i have a honda civic? or that im 19.. Should i try Geico? I dont know what to do. anybody know any cheap insurance companys?



What is the average malpractice insurance cost for a general radiologist practicing in Atlanta,GA?

What is the average malpractice insurance cost for a general radiologist practicing in Atlanta,GA?



I am 19 and in need of cheap insurance in michigan, any help?

i have a 1994 ford escort, all paid off and everything, just bought it off of my mother, i just need the cheapest insurance i can get on it, just to say i have some. Thank you



Car Insurance question?

ok so im a newbie teen at understanding all this so this may sound dumb. When you get car insurance is it insuring the car? or are you getting it to insure you AND the car? my mom said something about adding me onto her insurance as a driver so under her policy that she has she would just add me as a driver? like can someone help me understand like the basics please.



I need insurance for my car for cheap i'm 21 i had my license for 8 months?

i just bought my car and i need insurance my parents cannot help me . i was thinking about getting insurance out of state .



What is the best health insurance in california?

i could either choose blue cross hmo or ppo or kaiser hmo..not sure which is best?



Do you have to pay for insurance when you start a driving job?

A staffing agency is requiring me to pay a $150 refundable deductible before I start the job, does this sound legit?



Where can i get health insurance from when i make very very little money?

im an 18 year old female and my dad dropped the ball a while back and i havent had health insurance for 2-3 years now. and i need health insurance so where can i get health insurance? i make little money like pretty much $30 a month cuz i have a part time job where i work once maybe twice a month i live in california. prefferably a health plan just for health and dental if possible...but really anything will do at this point



Will my car insurance go up if the accident is not my fault?

if i get into a car accident that is completely not my fault, and the other person pays for the damages through his insurance company, will my insurance premium go up too? thx!



I can't get car insurance?

I just bought a cheap older car with high mileage (the only thing I could afford) but I cannot pay the monthly insurance premiums. I'm only talking about liability insurance. Collision is out of the question due to budget. I've shopped around and I can't seem to find a premium that is less than $200 a month! What should I do? What are the risks with driving without insurance? I need to be able to get to work everyday or else I might as well set up camp outside my workplace in a cardboard box :(



I can't find car insurance for under 5000?

I'm 17, and I understand my age is of course affecting the price of my car insurance, but I am getting 5000 quotes for a 1.0L Vauxhall Corsa 1998. I am expecting it to be high, but not that high for a crappy car. So could any one recommend any insurance company who will hopefully cut that down to 2000-3000?



How high are insurance rates for a 2009 Mitsubishi Lancer GT?

Its a car with the whole package; mags, sunroof, skirt, spoiler, sound etc. It's a 4 door 2.0L 4 cylinder. I'm wondering how much insurance I'll be paying in comparison to a Hyundai Elantra GL to which I was quote 1300 a year for - yikes! Anyone own this vehicle in Canada? Btw I'm 20, clean record, been driving for 2-3 years (dont even remember honestly).



Mazda RX-8 insurance cost?

I'm 16 about to turn 17 in a mere few months. After getting a job I looked into cars for myself and set my eyes on a Mazda RX-8. Since I'm only 16 does anyone know a basic price per month on a 2004 model? Currently I am co-insured under my mother on a 2009 Honda Civic for about $80 per month. I'm just curious as to how much I'd be charged if I were to get a RX-8. Thank you for your time.



What is an average rate of insurance for a 2004 Saab 9-3 Arc convertible?

I heard that insurance is expensive for a convertible. I was just wondering if someone could tell me an average price to insure this car?!?!?!



Health insurance for 1099?

I am forming a corporation that will bring on several 1099 contractors as consultants, almost like a consortium of consultants. I'd like to offer them group health insurance. is this possible given that they are all 1099 contractors?



Why does Infinity car insurance suck?

everytime i called them for help they always sounds like they are mad and rude at the same time, and they don't even care about helping me out just by the sounds of their voice!!! my question is what a good car insurance out there???



How much insurance will I need to lease a car?

I want to lease a 2010 car. I want my insurance prices to be low, but who determines what kind and how much insurance I will need. Will my insurance be higher or lower than financing the car? What are some insurance things I SHOULD get once I lease? Any other info you can provide that I will NEED to know will be greatly appreciated! Thanks!



In college, moving out, do i have to change my car insurance?

ok, i am 19 i go to a college in my hometown and currently live with my parents. i am planning on getting an apartment 2nd semester and found one for 550 per month with utilities which will be divided among 3 guys. my dad says that as long as the car insurance on my car is under his name it cannot move to a different address without being under my name which jacks the price up some $1800 a year. that ends up being almost triple my rent and there is no way i will be able to afford it. apparently saying it still resides at their house is not an option although i do not see why, its less than 3 miles away. facts, suggestions, loopholes anyone??



A renewal company for home insurance?

We've had three claims in 12 years with our insurance company and the company has put us in nonrenewal there an online company that will handle our insurance... home insurance....?



What is the best car alarm system, that would also lower my insurance?

I own a 2003 Toyota Corolla CE. My car insurance is moderately expensive, and I've been told that installing an alarm system would help lower my insurance. But I don't want a cheap alarm that can be easily set off by someone's sound system.



How much does insurance cost on a rental car?, I need a rough estimate, please help?

it's in portland if that makes a difference, thanks



How much is my car payment going to be?

I'm a 16 year old girl, in Albuquerque, NM. And I am going to buy a Used 2007 Chevy Aveo with 39,000 miles on it. The car itself is $8,995, and I figured out the down payment is gonna be like 1,000 dollars-ish. But I really wanna know how much my monthly is gonna be, and I know, my first car should be a clunker, but I really need something that is gonna work and get me places since I am really involved in school and sports and stuff. So, how much is my monthly gonna be? and INSURANCE! I know Insurance is gonna be higher since I am a teen driver, but I don't know how much. And I wanna be able to ask my parents about how we're gonna split the payments and stuff, since I am getting a job soon and I want to be able to pay for most of my OWN stuff. Thank You :)



Best renters insurance in california?

Best renters insurance in california?



I'm a 20 year old girl who has just passed my driving test,whats the best small car for insurance,as I dont kn

The car will be roughly 5 or 6 years old it goes by insurance band levels WHICH i AM LOST WITH



How much life insurance is sufficient?

my husband just got a raise and we are thinking about raising our life insurance. I have 6 children. what is the best way to estimate how much is enough.


Estero Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33928

Estero Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33928


Why does having access to more than 1 car put your insurance premium up?

I'm trying to get insured on my mums car, the quotes on insurance comparison websites are higher when I mention that she is insured on somebody else car though...



How much does it cost to have regular health insurance for 10 employees?

I am starting a pizza shop and i was wanting to know how much is usually cost for normal health insurance. Also if someone can tell me how much it costs for liability insurance for the store. It is going to be a little caesars pizza. Thanks. -AMV



What is balloon insurance?

do i need balloon coverage



Why are my insurance quotes coming to 20-40k?

Ok so i know insurance in London will be alot for a student like me who is 17, but why is it my friends are getting insurance for 2k in london and when i enter correct information on quote websites (obvisouly acting as if i am 17) that my quotes are coming to 44k, what should i do when it comes to getting my own policy? thansk



Health insurance for seniors?

My parents are seniors now and my father doesnt work anymore but he owns a restaurant so he cant apply for Medicare.. Does anyone know how and where I can find a affordable insurance that I can have for them. They need to apply for health insurance asap because both of them have diabetes Please help me!



How much do you pay for Insurance in your state?

I live in New Jersey and the Insurance for an auto is so high here. I pay $168 a month for a 2003 ford explorer that is loaded. I have no tickets, my record is clean. I also have lived in Utah and my Insurance was only $50 a month. Just wondering what everyone pays in different states?



Flight connection insurance?

Does anyone know of a company I can buy flight connection insurance from? I am taking a trip with two separate airline tickets. If the first flight is delayed, I might forfeit the second ticket and be forced to buy a very expensive last minute ticket. All the policies I have found online are packages that include medical, lost baggage etc. which I'm not interested in. Also, the companies I've found that offer missed connection insurance only offer meals and accomodation (not transportation) or have a limit too low to cover buying a new ticket.



My insurance adjuster wont give me enough money for my car repair?

A guy hit my car and his insurance said my car is worth less that what it really is the damage for my car is worht $3000 but they will only give me $2200 for it also on the evaluation report they made they said my car was in a worser condition than it really is. What can I do to get what i deserve? i don't want to settle for less



How much money will I save if I go on my parents' insurance plan?

Ok, so I did hear that if I go under my parents' insurance plan that it would be a lot cheaper. If it is cheaper, how much cheaper? How much would I be paying a month or every 6 months, for example. I did request a quote from progressive and what they came up with is..... $485.19 every month , $613 a month with travelers. How much will I be saving if i go under my parents' insurance? Thank you all in advance!



CAR INSURANCE?!?!?!?!?!?!?

well my older brother is going to go on my dads insurance on his own car. It comes to 100 a month. i was wondering if i can also go on the insurance, and if it would cost any more for me to do so. And please say if there is any other policy i an go o where me and my brother can go onto my fathers insruance.



Teen insurance for cars/driving?

I'm not allowed to learn how to drive till I'm 18 but I was wondering about all the costs?Like how much a cheap car would be, how much insurance I'd need/cost, and how much is it to take driver's ed? If I left anything out, please tell me.Help?!



How much would insurance for a 2002 chevy tahoe cost? ?

ok im 14 and im taking drivers ed this summer when im 14 1/2 to get my learners permit and for my car im getting a 2002 chevy tahoe or a 2004 Cadillac escalade and i was wondering how much the insurance would be for them? not the full coverage but the liability insurance and we're on state farm insurance and i live in a pretty low crime town in montana so my car probably wouldn't get stolen or broken into



Health insurance providers in the state of ohio?

i am trying to get health insurance quotes from as many companies as i can in the state of ohio. so far i have came up with: anthem aetna united healthcare humana anyone that i am missing? thanks



How can I tell the difference between regular car insurance policy ,and a group insurance policy?

How can I tell the difference between a regular car insurance policy ,and a group insurance policy?



Anyone know what insurance company will approve homeowners insurance for Mastiffs in New York State?

I rent on a 380 some acre farm in New York State. I am told that the landlord could not get home owners insurance because of my dog and I have to get rid of him because of the liability. I don't want to. He is a mastiff and a VERY protective one at that if someone comes on the property and he is tied up on the chain (he barks a lot and can look viscious. But once someone is inside he is okay friendly and ready to play. Except one wouldnt know it by viewing him from outside. An insurance agent came onto the property (he was chained) and of course he was very vocal. Scared the crap out of him. But we ALWAYS keep him on a chain. Does anyone know of homeowners insurance available in New York State for this breed of dog, or of another option available. We do not want to have to move because we have a boy in school and we love it here. Any no kill pet shelters or anyone who wants a lovable funny (somewhat quirky) Cane Corso Mastiff>



I have private health insurance and insurance from work?

I have private health insurance from blue cross blue shield, I also get blue cross blue-shield from the work I do for the state What is the best solution for my health insurance?



How much does DMV charge for the 30 day car insurance?

How much does DMV charge for the 30 day car insurance?



How much does your car insurance cost? help me with my survey (UK)?

monthly payments or yearly. i'd like to know please leave: -model of car and engine size -gender -age -years of driving -[optional] insurance company thanks for your cooperation



In Southern California where is the best place to get a perscription with out insurance?

I have Strep throat and need Medication!



No proof of insurance ticket in Southern California?

I got pulled over for speeding. Got a speeding ticket plus a ticket for no proof of insurance 16028 (a). I do have insurance for the car but I forgot to put it in my car the day I got pulled over. If i show prove of insurance during the fine date, how much does it cost in calfiorina law. It is a correctable offense. I heard that I can get that offense dissmiss just by showing my prove of insurance. Is that correct?



Best place (in australia) to get car insurance???

hey ive just finally bought a car now i want full comprehensive insurance weres the best place to go through? like aami,racq,nrma,real....etc thank you.



How to buy auto insurance with a permit? (CA)?

So I got my learners permit recently. My household does not own a car so mine would be the first. Because neither one of my parents hold a license, I would be practicing with other people and so the car would be to not risk damaging someone else's and get used to driving it for my driving test later in the year. I was wondering if it is possible to buy insurance under these conditions and if it would affect the price of the insurance.



How much is car insurance?

How much is car insurance for a 17 year old teenage boy as I'm learning to drive and want to buy a car at some point?



Is their insurance for pregnant women?

Hi, I am about 30 weeks pregnant and very scared. I do not have ins at this time. I had a ppo a few months ago that did not cover anything! My bf (ridiculous we were not married) of 11 years just walked out on me and the kids for his selfish reasons. So he is no help besides paying the mortgage. Im not trying to get free insurance, I just need some help on what affordable insurance there are if any that will pick me up. I pay for my visits but im running low on cash. I am on bed rest for incompetent cervix and I am losing it trying to figure ways. I return to work 6 weeks after I have the little one but for now I have no job! Im at lost. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I can pay monthly's but I know that delivery bill is gonna kick me in the butt. I just want to have a little security...



Car insurance at 20 on average?

How much would car insurance be for me if i only have my licence for 2 months before i get a car and i am 20 years old?. The car would be minimum a 1.2 litre and maximum a 1.6 litre so what would a 1.2 litre, 1.4 litre and 1.6 litre cost me on average?.


Estero Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33928

Estero Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33928