Holton Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 49425

Holton Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 49425

Holton Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 49425


BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes:car4insurance.xyz





Should I be able to get disability?

Here is my story, I was working and slipped and fell on my side (I did file a accident report). At first I felt fine just a numbness in my side and thinking it would go away, but as the months went by the numbness went away to only be replaced by a pain. I took pain medications to ease it and it helped relieve the pain but now it hardly does anything, if anything at all. I am like 6'4 and before the accident I weighed around 230, now I am climbing to 320??? Oh, I am 25. Oh, and I have been fighting my insurance for 5 years. I cannot exercise to lose weight because the pain in my side prevents me to do daily activities for long or if any at all. I have grown severely depressed as in that I have gained all this weight and feel disgusted with the way I look like and try to avoid any human contact or be seen because I feel disgusting with the way I look. I hope I have said all I needed to do. I just feel I cannot function as a normal person in society anymore. And times if there is no hope for me, I feel as if maybe the best solution for me is to commit suicide because I just feel so much like a freak to the world now.



Should I cash out a Variable Adjustable life insurance policy?

A little over 2 years ago, I was sold a $100,000 Variable Adjustable life insurance policy. At the time I didn't really know much about life insurance, but it sounded good at the ...show more



Is it cheaper to get insurance on the same car or on a second hand car?

hi im taking driving lessons and my test is soon. I want to know if it is cheaper to get a second hand car and get insurance on that or get insurance on my brothers car. Which one is cheaper?



How to significantly lower my car insurance, just got fired, can't afford more than $50 or so a month...?

I'm only 18 and I was just fired from my first job, I worked there for 8 months or so. I still live at home and don't owe any money on credit cards, so my only real problem is car insurance/gas. My parents refuse to help me at all. I currently pay $133 a month in car insurance; I have Statefarm. I've been driving for a year or so and have been in 1 fender bender, my insurance didn't even go up because of it. I've been paying my own insurance for a few months, maybe 6 or so. Is there anyway I can lower my car insurance? One of my friends only pays $80 a month and he's my age. By the way, the car is a 2004, dark blue, not flashy, four door car. If the type of car matters at all. I'm not sure what the $133 a month I'm paying covers, but is there anyway I can pay less and have it cover less stuff? I'm a very safe driver and have never been in any type of accident my entire life (the fender bender was my boyfriends fault -- he was driving my car, not me). I live in Virginia. Is there like a $50 a month option or something that doesn't cover me or the person I hit if I were to get in an accident, and the $50 a month is just so I don't get pulled over and charged with driving without insurance? I need some options because I have very limited funds and I'm not sure how long it will take me to find a new job. Thank you for any help!



How much would car insurance cost? ?

I'm 18 and live I'm Maryland. I want to get a car but want an idea of how much car insurance will cost



Insurance company that covers all my insurance needs?!?

would like to send one simple payment to one company for all or atleast most of my insurance needs. is there such a company and i am located in texas if that means anything.....thanks (car, motorcycle, home, medical, dental, life, etc...)



What health insurance will cover people with diabetes?

I have type 1 diabetes and i need affordable health insurance so if you have any inforomation I highly appericate it



Can I get my own auto insurance?

I am 16 years old and about to buy a car. My mother doesn't drive, so she doesn't have auto insurance. Would I be able to get insurance if she doesn't have her license? If so, with what company?



Where Can I Get Checp Car Insurance?

Hi everyone, please Where Can I Get Checp Car Insurance? i live in CA



What's the BEST, CHEAPEST and RELIABLE (easy claims) insurance in California?

What's the BEST, CHEAPEST and RELIABLE (easy claims) insurance in California?



Car insurance Expired?

My car insurance will expire 12:01 am Friday. I owe a past due balance and also....for me to renew the total would be 353.00..I don't have the money so im thinking about just letting it expire and going with someone else. Will that balance go into collections?



Geico vs. Progressive?

I currently have Progressive and am very happy with their service and the rates had been pretty reasonable, however they went up considerably because my husband hit a deer. I was thinking about getting a quote from Geico to see if I could get a better rate. Anyone have experience with Geico? Are they as good as Progressive?



How to get cheap car insurance?

Hi guys, i really need your a good and effectivr advice about this, please if you know something that would help post it here! Im 20 year old, have a car Peugeot 206 1.1 litre - cheap market value (1000ish). I live in London. Since 17 years old im looking for insurance - unsuccessfully. The best quote i get is 4000ish. I have no criminal record, no accidents no claims - nothing! And im fed up with so many people driving at my age and I cant- i just dont understand why exactly mine is so bloody expensive! Ive tried every variation just to see what im missing - pass plus for example only helps to the extent of 100. Its just crazy - 3 years and i still cant drive - what the hell is wrong with this - home come everyone is showing off by how cheap insurance they have and i cant get anything? Whats the secret? Ive tried every combination - me as the main driver/named driver/owner/just user etc. cheapest is 4,000!! Whats wrong with me? Anybody knows whats the trick, how to solve this issue? Thanks!



Seeking an auto insurance company who offers independent spouses insurance?

married, but want to buy separate auto insurance



Why's my insurance so high at 19?

I've had my licence since October last year and i had my car before i passed my test so i could get insured on it straight away. When I looked at quotes last year i was getting prices of around 3400 and couldn't get it below the 3000 mark, but now I'm getting prices of about 2700 on a 1.0 litre vaxhaull corsa which is the cheapest car for me to insure as it has the smallest engine i can find as is only group 1 insurance but still way to expensive. can anybody tell me why mine is so high please?



How much does motorcycle insurance in Texas cost?

I'm 16 and plan on buying a motorcycle and getting my license soon, how much would I pay a month/year?



Will my car insurance go up?

I just got a speeding ticket for going 14mph over. I pay my car insurance on a 6 month cycles and I just paid for the next 6 months at the beginning of the month. Is there any way the insurance companycan charge me more for the current 6 months or will my insurance not go up until my next 6 months bill? Thanks!



Insurance Agency Tax Help 1120S?

I own an insurance agency. I have a seperate checking account for insurance premium funds. When we collect a insurance premium payment from a customer, the funds are deposited into this account and then we send our agency check to the insurance company. How are these funds treated on form 1120S?



Do I need to purchase additional insurance for a rental car?

I have my own insurance with good coverages. I am going on vacation and renting a car. Do I need to purchase the additional rental car insurance that they always offer you? Will my car insurance cover me at all in the event of an accident?



If I report an auto insurance claim under my comprehensive, does it count against me?

Not sure whether to report an damage to my vehicle. I estimate the cost to be about $ 500.00 +. My deductable is $ 500.00. Any info will help :)



Will my insurance go up?

I am 17 and had insurance. I got into a wreck because i dint stop at a stop sign and hit a car. everybody was fine and i got a ticket for driving left of center and careless prohibited driving. So is my insurance bout to be high??



Which car insurance company offers the cheapest price for a teenager??

Which car insurance company offers the cheapest price for a teenager??



What is some cheap car insurance companies?

hey so i'm 18 & i'm looking to insure my car again after letting my brother have ago and he crashed it without being insured, i've been to court & i got a 6 week ban & a fine but im starting to look for insurance 7 i was wondering if anyone knew of any cheap ones to try? cheers



In ontario, does a 10-day permit for a car include insurance?

My father-in-law gave us his old car. We need to get it certified. Does the 10-day permit include insurance for the car? How much does the 10 day permit cost?



Im 26 with an learners permit and I want to buy my own car and get insurance on it can I do?

I cant take the driving test without a car so Im wondering if I can buy my own car and if I can get my own insurance so I can take the driving test to get my real license.


Holton Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 49425

Holton Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 49425


PLEASE HELP-How much would the Car Insurance be?

I've had this really crappy little car since I was 16, and I'm turning 18 soon, so my parents want to buy me a new car-I have some money saved up from my job/birthdays/holidays/my Grandma left me alot, and I was thinking a Porsche. How much would the Insurance be for me if I got a Porsche?



NEED cheap car insurance for 18 year old east london!?

Please please do not say your going to have to pay 4k+ or something stupid, All my mates found car insurances for under 3k!



How much will my car insurance renewal be?

I am currently insured with Admiral for my car. My insurance is up for renewal next month and I am just wondering if anybody with prior experience of them knows how much of a discount i may expect, if anything at all. My insurance last year was around 1,100 I am 22, I have had my licence for 4 years, And I will now have 1 years no claims. Thanks in advance :) Rob



How much is car insurance for teens ?

I live in California



What is the best (price and care) auto insurance for someone with a DUI?

So about 7 years ago I made a mistake and got a DUI. I realize it stays on your record for 10 years but there has to be decent full coverage insurance in San Francisco that does set me back almost $200 every month. Any suggestions?



Car insurance question?

I only need to drive for 1 month. Could i be added to my dad's car insurance for only one month or do i need to do 6 month minimum etc



Health insurance for low income college student?

I was just wondering if anyone had some suggestions for reasonably priced health insurance in Minnesota. I am very physically active, do a lot of running and weight lifting; so my primary concerns are coverage for treatments involving possible breaks, fractures, muscle and tendon tears/breaks, and other things of that nature common with active individuals. Preferably something under $100/month because I am in school and with my current income I am lucky to average $800/month take home. Any help/direction would be greatly appreciated because I have not had health insurance for 9 years since I was no longer eligible for my mothers health insurance.



What company provides a good low cost life insurance policy for older people?

My father just retired, but he is stubborn and against getting a life insurance policy. I would like one to cover expenses he may leave behind and to take care of his wife, but he just doesn't see the need for some reason. His wife (my mother) is also the same way and they are too old fashioned and set in their ways to change their way of thinking. My parents are not rich and does not have a lot of money saved up. As a result, I may have to pay it myself even though I am supporting my own family on a single income. Obviously, the older one gets, the more expensive a life insurance policy becomes. Does anyone know of any good, reliable low cost life insurance companies out there? He doesn't have any major problems, but it would be best if there are some that doesn't require any health checks.



Integra to Mustang: how much will my car insurance go up?

I am currently insured with ING for my acura integra '1992 at $55 a month. I'm 23 years old with a clean driving record and the insurance is one-way (damages to my car in an accident are not covered, but damages to another car/property are covered) and is also protected from theft and attempted theft + vandalism. I am planning on switching to a 95 Mustang. Can I expect a small or significant jump in my insurance premium? I would apply the same coverage. (The car has an alarm system and I put on a steering wheel lock when I leave it parked.)



How much does car insurance cost?

I'm a male in Connecticut under the age of 25 and I wanna get a new car. Can anyone give me a ball park figure?



My clutch & break failed can i get insurance !?

how i can get the insurance cover of my car maruti wagon r vxi purchased in 2012 !



Which car is best for a new driver with cheap insurance im 25 and a female?

Which car is best for a new driver with cheap insurance im 25 and a female?



Does anyone know anything about Metlife Life Insurance Policy's?

I am trying to claim a life insurance policy on my dad who passed a month ago.I was the beneficiary but Met life is hassling me and says that it was never on file.He paid forty years on a 10k payout and now they say the company he worked for told them there was no beneficiary when I am told by that company he worked for that I am most definitely am on the policy.My dad changed it over two years ago after my mom died who they also said was never on the policy!!! The woman said they will not except any papers from that company now as to confirming this due to it already being filed. They want me to get a paper notarized saying that i'm trying to get it but yet first want to know all my siblings names and their ssn so that it will be divided up or paid out to unpaid credit cards.Has this happened to anyone before? I cannot pay funeral expenses I have 7 greedy siblings who didnt help me one day in the last 3years of taking care of my elderly parents! If my mom was still alive and this happened to her OMG Why even get an INS policy if they treat you like this??



What is a cheap auto insurance company?

Please be specific.



How can i get affordable health insurance, with a low income?

I work part time,i am physically disabled ,my husb is unemployable,rejected from disability, i have very bad health condition and need health insurance to continue dr.care....How can i get affordable health insurance that won't cost me a fortune? I have gone to the DPA and i was rejected by them. I suffer with depression/(diagnosed bi-polar) ,,disc disease,IBS....i must obtain medical Insurance to continue treatment in order to continue working...how can i get help?



Best health insurance for woman?

Looking for health insurance and reviews on basically the health insurance companies. I'm a really picky person and having reviews eases my mind a bit lol



Car insurance for young drivers UK?

im 17 atm and passed my test last week ive been looking at car insurance for a cars but the insurance is really expensive for a 17 year old what are cheap car insurances for young drivers in the uk?



On average what does a automotive insurance adjuster/or a body shop estimator make annually?

On average what does a automotive insurance adjuster/or a body shop estimator make annually?



Someone American please answer this Q about Car Insurance?

I am debating on whether or not to do a roas trip in america. I am English and will be 19 and have 1 years no claims when i go. I am male aswell btw (double the price of insurance lol). How much can i expect to pay for insurance and is it possible to buy a car there and insure it??? Obviousily i want to buy a cool non-european car like a dodge to do it in...is that impossible. I would prefer it if you could give me figures for car insurance per month.



Cheapest auto insurance?

Cheapest auto insurance?



Is it worth the effort to compare auto insurance companies?

I have been with the same auto insurance agency my whole adult life. When my husband and I got married, he switched over and started using the same agency I have always used. Our insurance rates seem to continually increase, though, and so recently I have been wondering if we should start looking around for a better premium. I would definitely love to save some money on our auto insurance, but I dont know if its worth the time and energy it would take to shop around. Is it worth the effort to compare insurance companies? If so, how do I begin my search?



How much does an accidet impact your car insurance?

If you had a slight bump with another car down a one track country lane. And you both claimed on insurance and the damage was about 200. When you next go and insure yourself how much more would it be approx. If you were 18



Credit life insurance?

My mom passed away in sept. of cancer. She had a $100,000 balance on her mortgage loan. Now I just recieved a letter stating that her credit insurance had gone through and a check had been sent to her mortgage account number. I have never even heard of credit insurance, does this mean the remainder of her loan is gonna be paid off??? If so I am in shock.



How much more is average insurance on a sportsbike vs regular car insurance?

How much more is average insurance on a sportsbike vs regular car insurance?



What's the average insurance cost going to be for me? (motorcycle)?

18-19 year old Air Force female riding a low power motorbike in Texas. No previous driving accidents or tickets. What else can affect my cost?


Holton Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 49425

Holton Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 49425


Good car insurance?

I'm 19 and just got my first car and am in the process of getting my licensices. What are some good insurance companys to look into that would have low rate with good coverage? What do i look for and what don't I do. Thanks!



I need cheap car insurance in New York City?

I need cheap (FULL) coverage for a financed vehicle in the NEw York Area...I've tried the popular sites...any leads?



Is there a classic car insurance company that doesnt require you to be a certain age?

without 5 year license restriction also. i need to find one that will cover an 18 year old with a clean record.



Affordable Care Act: The Health Insurance Exchange concept seems to do the trick... so why complaints?

The Health Insurance Exchange idea allows individuals to come together and have the purchasing power of a large corporation. In this manner these uninsured people can get insurance at ...show more



Is this normal for home insurance?

I have AAA-California home insurance and we had an incident yesterday involving a squirrel and our fire suppression sprinkler lines. AAA says they only cover the damage caused (carpets, sheetrock, moisture, etc.) by the squirrel eating through the lines, but will not cover the cost of repairing the lines. Is this standard for all home insurance, or do I just have a crappy policy?



Cheapest cars to insure for a 17 year old?

I think they're group 1 or something, because insurance is a ripoff, so a car thats cheap to insure and runs would be great? Any recommendations and can someone explain this whole insurance group malarky to me please? I will most likely be a Named driver too and my mother will be the Main, if this makes any difference, thanks.



Will Rental Car Accident increase insurance rates?

Hi, I rented enterprise car but unfortunately bumped into a tree.I had full insurance coverage on the vehicle. So I would like to know if that accident will effect my insurance which I have on my personal car?



17 / 18 year old (male) car insurance (UK only)?

Hi, I am 17 (male) and haven't took my test yet but hopefully will be soon. Can anyone tell me what they have paid for insurance recently so i can get the heads up on what car's to be looking out for and insurers to get quotes from. I have tried moneysupermarket.com and they just chuck out really high quotes 6000+ whatever car you put in. So, if any 17/ 18 year old boys have recently got a quote can you tell me how much the insurance was, who insured it and what the car is? Thanks.



Where can I get the best car insurance rates?

I have been on the same plan for 10 years now and they charge $165 each month which is ridiculous. Any idea what is the best company to get a better insurance rate?



What are the pros and cons of getting motorcycle insurance in Florida?

I'd like to save on the cost of insurance. However, I was wondering if it would be harder to get cheap insurance if I happen to get in a crash (with no insurance at the time).



Cheap health insurance that will cover dental?

I need some help. I can no longer work at one of my jobs and my new job wont provide insurance since it is part-time I need help and scared that i cant afford anything. i already cant afford student loans. is there any cheap insurance packages i can get in ct?



Double up on individual health insurance?

Can you have more than one Health Insurance Plan for your self? I have to buy my own insurance, but even the best individual insurance is crappy and I wanted to now if people ever buy two insurance plans? The insurance i have now only lets me see the doctor twice a year. If I got another insurance plan would it pick up where the other left off?



Churchill Car Insurance Problem?

Had accident which was my fault in Nov 08, hit a van in rear that stopped suddenly going through a roundabout (less than 5mph) and his trailer hitch ball went into my radiator and damaged the hood, grill and radiator. Car was 1996 Honda in very reasonable condition, MOT'd and all in good service despite its 125,000 mileage, new tyres, exhaust, battery, and clean throughout. Had fully comprehensive insurance with 50 deductable, loaner car and legal support so paid to be protected. When car was collected from accident, collecting garage said at that time that due to the mileage my car would not be repaired. However it took 5 to 6 weeks for the insurance examiner to determine that my car was beyond repair, so I did without a car all that time. Despite repeated phone calls to them, they never called me back as their examiner was on holiday. Then when we finally agree that a price of 500 for my car in January 08 and that took some haggling, the cheque never and so I started chasing them down in early February. I am then informed that I did not disclose a speeding violation on my application and they would have to listen to the tapes of my applying to verify this. Again this took several weeks, and I again had to pursue them for an answer to which they then said I had applied on the internet so no record of a phone conversation. The internet application was misleading, asking for what I believed was 3 years worth of offenses. I've only ever had 2 speeding offenses in my entire life - both speed cameras, just over the limit. The first was at 6 a.m. and I passed a bus pulling over to stop and as I passed it got flashed. The second on the day I found my dad had days to live and I was rushing to catch a flight, and as in both instances was doing 42 mph in a 30 mph zone for a very short period. Nonetheless, I was speeding and paid my fines. I wrote to the insurance company and apologised for not telling them of the other speeding ticket from 4 years and 9 months earlier as I forgot about it. But I admitted it, and apologised in writing. Then then came back to me saying that there would be additional premium to pay before I would get paid for my car. Well, its October 08, and I finally got a letter from the insurers saying they are not paying me as I failed to pay the additional premium requested and they were not going to renew my policy. I have never been asked even after repeated letters to them how much the additional premium was, and what I should do. No replies. I have asked for my car back which they agreed to pay for, and now they state there is nothing they can do, and it is their final decision. I went to the financial ombudsman and unbelieveably DID NOT get a reply from them. I've even spoken to one of their survey staff who tells me that they are incredibly busy and it was probably put aside and not dealt with. I'm at a total loss as to where I stand and how to pursue this without spending more than the accident and car was worth. I've written to their data protection officer and obtained copies of all documentation pertaining to this, so by their records can verify all this information quite clearly. Finally, I maintained my cool with them at all times. Never once did I raise my voice or become unprofessional with them. My questions are: 1. Can I legally request my car back as it has never been paid for? 2. Were they taking money for policy on a car they knew that through mileage alone, they would never pay for loaner car, or to have repaired? 3. This has meant over 30 letters and more phone calls than that to deal with, and rarely do they call you back or reply at all. Can I claim for this time and distress? 4. Am I totally wasting my time? Regards, Papa Don



What kind of car insurance should I get?

I ust got my liscence, and I don't have a car yet, but before I buy one, I want to look into what it costs to ensure one. I'm 18, and in college, so i cant afford to spend alot on car insurance. Does anyone know of good car insurance for first time drivers, and how do I go about getting it? I live in New Jesey.....



Non US citizen car insurance?

Hi guys, I'm non us citizen and i will be here in US for 6 months. I decided to get a car while i'm here. I know i can get one but i'm not sure about the insurance since i can not get non citizen insurance quote. Could anyone give me some advice on where to go to get car insurance as I'm not US citizens. Or is there any other solutions?



What is a good health insurance for an individual?

My dad lost his job 6 months ago, his new job doesn't have benefits. What is a good health insurance that will be cheap enough for a young college student that is affordable? (I ...show more



I have just bought a Moped - JMSTAR 50cc, where can I get insurance from? apart from rampdale? x x x Thanks?

I have just bought a 50cc Jm Star Madness 50QT moped and im looking for insurance, the cheapest ive found is 290 with Rampdale and the most expensive was 490, Its a chinese import so not alot of companies insure them Can anyone help? and recommend a cheap insurance company which will insure chinese imports? THanks x x



Insurance on a ninja 250?

Hey I have been looking for my first bike and since I have no experience shifting and riding I want a small bike so I was thinking a ninja 250. From what I have seen they have plenty of power for me, and in my price range so I was wondering how much these cost to insure? I have allstate for my car if that matters? thanks a lot. and please don't tell me I need to be safe... I am already signed up for my permit class and a safety class. and I am no wheelie riding 100mph rider... just looking to commute and go for rides. Thanks



Will my health insurance apply when i move?

I live in california and have really great health insurance that my mother pays for, but i am moving to missouri in january and am wondering if when i move my health insurance will still work? i don't know very much about this subject and if i'm not covered i'd like to begin looking for a job in which i can be. any help is great, thanks!



Is it normal for an insurance company to need you SS#?

Im 18 and on my own and ive never had to get insurance before. And the best insurance company ive found is asking me for my SS#. Is this normal, not only for a quote, but to buy the insurance also. And do i have to go to the agency directly to actually activate the insurance or can i do it over the phone like their tellin me?.....



Car insurance quote help.?

So this is personal, but I'm going to be emancipated soon or at least when I turn 18, and I'm going to be living in my car or possibly renting at a friends house for around $100. I'm not made of money, I only have a weekend part time job and another one possibly soon. I'm a full time high school student with a GPA of 2.6 and I'll turn 18 in November. I know that my GPA isn't stellar but last semester I made a 4.0 and this semester I'll have at least a 3.4. I can't get a STUPID QUOTE because I'm not 18 yet and I tried fibbing my age, but it was wise to me and shut me out anyway. I live in Marietta, GA (Cobb County), and I drive a 2000 Buick regal. If someone could run a quote for me I would be sooo greatful. Also, do you have to have an address to put down like a house to have car insurance? Thanks!



17-19 year old UK drivers, How much are you paying for your insurance?

I recently passed my test, I am 18 and now looking for insurance that is cheap. Well... it seems that they are absolutly Bludy expensive!. I mean the cheapest one I saw was about 4500 year! :O So how much are you paying? Who are you with? and Are you insured as a named driver or main driver of your/your parents car?



Home and contents insurance application form?

i need one of these for my commerce assignment where can i get one from.



When I turn 25 does my car insurance automatically go down or do I have to notify them? (AAA car insurance)?

I heard when you turn 25 the car insurance rates go down a lot, but is it automatic or do I have to tell them?



Is financial indemnity a good insurance carrier?

Is financial indemnity a good insurance carrier?


Holton Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 49425

Holton Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 49425


Can you sue a car insurance policy holder?

On christmas day my boyfriend had a car accident where he hit his house. He did a total of over $5,500 worth of damages to it. When he went to his mother's house that day he was told by his parents ,that his step dad had removed him from the insurance in October after his birthday (they did so without telling him until the accident ). He had been paying them insurance money each month thinking he was on the insurance. Now the lady that owns the house has informed us that her insurance is suing the title holders (my boyfriend) for insurance fraud. After my boyfriend is sued can he then turn around and sue his step dad for him removing him from the insurance/ insurance fraud?



What is an average insurance rate for a house?

How do they figure insurance costs? About how much would annual insurance be for a $70,000 house? Thanks~!



Adjudicated speeding citation: what happens to insurance in Florida?

My parents handle my car insurance (Hartford). Go to college in Miami. Parents also live in Miami. Got my 1st speeding ticket (38 mph in a 30 mph zone), took the class, had the citation adjudicated/cleared. Would rather not have my parents find out. A) Will the insurance show my driving record or citation history to my parents? B) Does Florida law allow ANY charges to insurance after points have been cleared?



How much is car insurance in general?

I dont car about what it cost at a certain age, just want one solid answer



Is a 2004 used infiniti g35 a good and affordable car?

i am saving up about 2000 to put down on it. and how much would the monthly payments be. including insurance? i gross about 700-900 a month. thanks.



I got my first DWI i ll be getting my license back soon how much will my insurance go up in the state of mo?

in the state of missouri how much will my insurance rates go up after my first dwi? (and LAST)



How much would a 1.1 litre car cost me a month?

Im 18 and starting my driving lessons, im also a stay at home mum. Cant afford a nice car so a 1.1 litre car is only in my range. Id like to know roughly how much my insurance would be a month? Thank you



What is the cheapest insurance for a teenager in alex,la for a motorcycle?

What is the cheapest insurance for a teenager in alex,la for a motorcycle?



What if i bought a used car and didnt get insurance? ?

what would happen if i got into a wreck?



Cheaper Car Insurance For Teenage Drivers?

Can you help. I priced car insurance for my 16 year old son, and my premium will almost triple. I know all of you will post that he should just get a job, and that is fine, but I want him to save money for college, not to make an insurer rich. OK?



Car insurance in Trinidad?

What are some car insurance companys in Trinidad, Im moving there in Decemeber, and considering importing a BMW Z4 with me, but need to find out how much its gonna be to insure :o) Thanks guys. Also Im kinda assuming its not really safe enough to drive around with the Roof down?



The best and cheapest car insurance?

The best and cheapest car insurance?



What is the cheapest car insurance for a young new driver?

What is the cheapest car insurance for a young new driver?



Will my dad's car insurance go up if I get my license?

I'm 19 and want to get my license without getting my dad's car insurance going up.



What's the cheapest auto insurance company in New Jersey?

I live in Newark and my insurance keeps going up. I have a 2002 ford focus with geico and although I got a speeding ticket and a seat belt ticket, it has gone up a little to much. PLEASE HELP!!!



Geico car insurance down payment?

Is anyone here doing geico auto insurance monthly payments? I just got my policy and had to put a downpayment. the down payment is part of my policy total right? it's not like an extra fee? I'am pretty sure it's part of my total.




a friend asked me this question so i thought id ask you guy's out there. we are both single guy in hour early and mid 30's,both receive a DSP_pension,live separately were just mates,no dependants both smoke cig's yes were slowly giving em up we live in Tasmania,Australia and are wondering what would be best for a single person life or funeral insurance,is there a difference between them,does life insurance cover for your funeral expenses.IVE ask CENTRELINK and they DID NOT HAVE ANY INFOMATION.



How much does health care insurance cost in America?

Im planning on moving to America with my 2 children to live with my boyfriend, can anyone tell me how much health insurance costs?



Do you know if there is an insurance company that insures cars that travels in both Mexico and Texas?

I am temporarily living in Mexico and will be crossing the border to Texas. I don't know if anyone knows if there is auto insurance that takes care of insurance for crossing the ...show more



I am trying to get a 2006 Dodge Charger R/T. I am worried that insurance will be to high?

I am worried that insurance will be too high. I am 16 years old and my Dad is paying for it. What is the average insurance that someone pays. Do you tihnk insurance on this charger will be a lot?



Health Insurance for 24 year old male?

Son has Blue Cross but it is now $137 per month......anyone know of any comparable insurance that is cheaper and has similar benefits? It is just him....no wife or no kids. Thanks.



Carr insurance with 2 years clean driving record?

I am planning to buy a used car my Driver liscence is 2 years old with a clean driving record i am wondering will i have to pay a lot of insurance or just minimal based on my record and DL. Please suggest which is a cheap insurance option



If you get disability do you lose your health insurance?

I live in Tennessee and I have PHP health insurance. I am thinking about trying to see if I could get disability because of my many health problems. I am wondering since the government pays for my health insurance and I get approved would I lose my PHP?



Can I be reimbursed auto insurance for the days my car was undrivable due to accident caused by someone else?

So there was a car accident and it was determined to be the other person's fault. My car was a mess (I wish they just totaled the thing) and is still in the shop, it's been 2.5 weeks. They're saying they can't reimburse the auto insurance because if something happened to the car during this time it's covered. But is that a bluff (I know they try to get out of stuff). if something happened to my car at a repair shop, and it's only there because of the accident that was determined to be the other party's fault, if something happened to my car, isn't the other insurance company liable? It never would've been there if it weren't for the accident. And if so, who do I go to? It obviously wasn't the guy I just talked to. I don't think this is unreasonable. It's not like I'm asking for the auto loan daily rate. Obviously I would still have to pay for that since it's toward ownership of the car. But the insurance makes sense to me - no?



For a 17 year old, How much about is car insurance (relatively) and which places are cheaper?

We were thinking State Farm or Country


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